Growth Hacking is a new field and a combination of marketing, data and technology. A growth hacker runs experiments based on a process-based methodology to grow the number of customers. Growth Hacking is ideal for startups, because of the limited budgets and resources, but it also lends itself to larger companies.
Growth Hacking is a discipline that seeks, with the minimum possible expense and effort, to quickly and clearly increase the volume of users, or income, or impacts, of our company.
A growth hacker is not a replacement for a marketer. A growth hacker is not better than marketer. A growth hacker is just different than a marketer.
Every decision that a growth hacker makes is informed by growth. Every strategy, every tactic, and every initiative, is attempted in the hopes of growing. Growth is the sun that a growth hacker revolves around. Of course, traditional marketers care about growth too, but not to the same extent. Remember, the power of a growth hacker is in their obsessive focus on a singular goal. By ignoring almost everything, they can achieve the one task that matters most early on.
This absolute focus on growth has given rise to a number of methods, tools, and best practices, that simply didn’t exist in the traditional marketing repertoire, and as time passes the chasm between the two discipline deepens.
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