The Covid-19 pandemic brought the development of ecommerce, which grew in months what would have taken years to achieve, how to take advantage of this wave?

During the last six months, the world has gone, for the most part, from being on the streets to staying inside their homes, because practically all people sought to protect themselves in the best possible way from the Covid-19 epidemic.

It was a completely atypical event, as never happened in the recent history of man, but it ended up modifying most of the behavior of human life, who went on to do almost all of their day-to-day tasks in inside the four walls of your home.

Among them is precisely the fact of buying, from basic inputs for food that were previously purchased in the supermarket to any type of clothing, previously purchased in traditional department stores.

How then did people solve this? Relying mainly on electronic commerce, which recorded unprecedented growth like never before, specifying in countries like the United States in just three months the development that was projected for the next 10 years.

A clear example of this registered momentum is shown by platforms such as Mercado Libre, which at the end of the second quarter of the year achieved that its unique active users rose by 45.2%, adding a total of 51.5 million in Latin America.

Also, the marketplace sold 178.5 million articles, growing up to 101.4% compared to the same period last year. Finally, the total of its payment transactions also exploded by 122.9% against 2019.

It is based on the learning they have obtained in recent months, that executives warn about the importance it has for brands, if they want to continue taking advantage of this boom in electronic commerce, that they work as soon as possible on 5 points.

  1. Differentiation: It is very important that brands also work on their ability to differentiate themselves from their competitors, an action that will allow their online sales channel to stand out from others .
  2. Consumer understanding: Brands cannot afford to neglect the knowledge they have about their consumer, they must also worry about understanding who is following them from the other side of the screen.
  3. Data analysis: Especially in the online sales environment, data analysis, which in this field is present all time. The more priority is given to this issue, the better the results.
  4. Union between ecommerce and marketing: The importance that exists in the fact of unifying efforts between the areas of electronic commerce and marketing in companies, generating them to walk together in favor of the same objective, to grow.
  5. Continue to build trust: The challenge that companies have in general, beyond the growth that has been observed in recent months, to continue generating trust in people, since there is still a lot of potential going forward.

Running a successful ecommerce website doesn’t have to be a struggle or pricey, here at Kreativa we can help you launch a profitable online store.

Please get in touch with us, we’ll be happy to help!